September 5th, 2002 the Rivenport Commission begins:
It was formed out of the group of Six while in a hunting group that was a good fit for all. Currently the guild has 1 Leader, 2 Officers and 3 Members, but has been planned for sometime. This site, the Guild and the Earth and Beyond game are an important combination for all. There are expected to be as many as 5 more members to be added soon, from the original planned. Thanks to those who were there at the first (grouping without at least one member from another guild is hard) and helped us form the guild. Now, we begin the work of helping others and working together to become the most sought after guild in the game! We don't seek numbers, we seek those who help and want to be helped and plan to work together. Good luck to all and welcome to... Rivenport Commission Guild - The Lost Station!