Computer: There is an incoming message from a ship near the gate sir. Would you like me to open a channel?
Krang: NO! Get me Alpha Leader on a secure channel! NOW!
Computer: Channel open sir.
Alpha Leader: Alpha Leader here, what’s the problem?
Krang: Stand-down Alpha Leader! I want you to hold back, I can handle this!
Alpha Leader: Stand-down sir? But…
[Krang breaks in abruptly]
Krang: I SAID STAND-DOWN! And that’s an order Ensign! Twangee sent you to escort me to Parsad and I am ordering you to stand-down!
Computer: Sir, the ship is requesting communication with you. Would you like me…
Krang: Captains log star date 130720-020809, captain speaking. Well it appears we have company. Not sure how this will turn out, but let’s hope for the best. I had Alpha Leader stop back some to allow me to conduct business, I hope.
Krang: YES! Open a channel! Identification Krang – Terran Tradesmen.
Computer: Channel ready.
[A very deep and angry voice comes across the channel]
Unknown ship: This is the captain of the Red Dragon ship the Razor, How DARE you come out here! Your kind isn’t welcome here! And you bring an ESCORT! Down your shields or prepare to meet your maker!
Krang: Hang on there a minute! This is Krang! I need passage through the Smugglers Run gate and I have my usual fee of…
[The voice interrupts, angrier then before]
Red Dragon: KRANG! You think you can show your face around here again? Who do you take us for, fools? You will lower your shields and power down your engines NOW or be destroyed!
Krang: What did I do? Let me speak to Tzu, he will…
Red Dragon: THERE WILL BE NO CONTACT! Tzu has commanded your penalty and I will carry it out! LOWER YOUR SHIELDS, NOW!
Krang: Okay, Okay, but the war ships have nothing to do with this, allow me to send…
Red Dragon: You will be allowed time to remove them, any tricks and your fate is theirs! Make your request!
Krang: Computer, open a channel to Alpha Leader NOW!
Computer: Sir, long range communication is down, there appears to be an energy field around the ship. Channel open.
Krang: Alpha Team, GET out of here! Your job is done here and there is nothing you can do! You have one chance to turn and run. I suggest you do! When you are clear of the area, contact Twangee… Let him know what happened!
Alpha Leader: Roger, returning to New Edinburgh sector, will contact Twangee enroute. Are you sure you will…
Computer: Channel closed. Alpha Team ships are turning for New Edinburgh gate, high warp engaging!
Red Dragon: Touching, how touching you weak Terran trash! Soon enough, you will bother us NO MORE!
Krang: Captains log star date 130720-020811, captain speaking. Looks like this is going bad, energy field is preventing me from jettison of cargo. This may be my last entry. End log.
Computer: ALERT! Tracking 6 missiles, impact in 10 seconds. Engage warp engines?
Krang: No computer, full power to the shields and hang on!
Computer: Impact in 2 seconds. Shields at 124.4%, engines on standby.
[As the missiles slam into the shield of the ship, Krang is thrown against the bulkhead]
Krang: Computer, damage report!
Computer: Shields down to 36% and failing! Aft bulkhead is critical! Life support down to 73%. There are three more Red Dragon ships coming out of warp on the starboard side, weapons are locked.
Krang: Computer, execute order A-3827 on my mark!
Computer: Systems ready, waiting go code. Two of the ships are firing weapons, shields are down, hull to 80%. Systems failing, engine is offline.
Krang: Execute access level Alpha One November Romeo Seven Zulu!
Computer: Executing, good-bye sir.
Red Dragon: We will take your cargo as a warning to others! BE GONE NOW!
Computer: Channel closed. Hull at 28%, weapon systems and engine destroyed, hull critical. Port bulkhead failing, emergency life support to maximum. There is an O2 leak in the aft bulkhead.
[Meanwhile Alpha leader reports in]
Alpha Leader: Somerled station, this is Alpha Leader, requesting communication channel to Master Twangee, Transporter room #4.
Somerled station: This is Somerled station, channel open.
Twangee: This is Twangee, what happened?
Alpha Leader: Red Dragons sir, they were waiting for us at the gate. There was nothing we could do!
Twangee: What do you mean, nothing you could do? WHERE is Krang? You didn’t leave him there, DID YOU? Tell me he’s clear!
Alpha Leader: Sir, he gave us an order, got us time to get clear! It was over quick, there was no chance…
Twangee: WHAT! Close channel!
[Slamming both fists on the table and yelling angrily]
Twangee: Get me High Command, NOW!
Communication Ensign: Channel open to High Command, Admiral Diego Herrera.
Twangee: Sir, this is Twangee, captain of the Star Runner, requesting permission for rescue mission to Inverness Sector, priority 1.
Herrera: Denied! You will not go there! The communications have been monitored and Guildsmen Krang was not authorized access to that gate. He is in the hands of the Red Dragons now.
Twangee: Sir, with all due respect, I…
Herrera: Adept Twangee I will hear NO more of this! This topic is closed! Am I clear?
Twangee: Yes sir, clear as a bell!
Herrera: Let me remind you that you no longer pilot an Explorer class ship! I will NOT say this again! Request DENIED! Close channel.
[In a loud and angry voice]
Twangee: NO, they can’t do this! It’s not right to leave a friend out in the cold.
Communication Ensign: Sir? Why did Admiral Herrera address you as an Adept, doesn’t he know your rank is Master?
Twangee: Ever had it pointed out to you that your rank is a privilege? Learn your place ensign! Get me Jove’s Fury NOW!